Green Bay Packers Visting Locker Room – Rooftop Addition
Green Bay Packers Visting Locker Room – Rooftop Addition

Green Bay Packers Visting Locker Room – Rooftop Addition

Project Information

Green Bay Packers Visting Locker Room – Rooftop Addition

Tweet Garot was once again selected to be the HVAC and controls contractor for an addition to the rooftop unit servicing the guest locker room at Lambeau Field. The Packers value the craftsmanship and consistency in the work we have performed with them for the past 20+ years, leading to our continued collaboration on this project.

Tweet Garot was tasked with moving equipment off the existing roof of the facility and relocating it to the newly constructed portion of the roof. The equipment consisted of four large exhaust fans, one roof hood, one in-take hood, and three condensing units. This made up a majority of the team’s scope, as all interior work involved common finishes and made for a smooth, fast-paced completion of the project

ACC was utilized throughout this project’s delivery, and proved to be an effective method keep all the project’s information in one place throughout the duration of the project. This allowed the team to not only meet this project’s fast-paced schedule while also avoiding any workplace injuries.

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