Tweet/Garot is an innovator in manufactured and modular construction. With a focus on creating repeatable units and a highly standardized approach to design and construction regardless of the project type, costs are reduced. Modularizing our construction processes, where possible, allows us to eliminate variables in the construction process. The ability to control the production environment allows for significant improvements to labor productivity, quality, and safety, as well as typically decreasing a project’s duration. By doing so, we are able to keep costs low.
Tweet/Garot has also invested significant time and resources in understanding and producing multi-trade assemblies that allow the efficiencies already identified to occur across an entire project. We are experienced in collaborating with architects and structural engineers for solutions to integration challenges that present themselves early in the project lifecycle. Tweet/Garot has implemented several examples of multi-trade construction, such as zone-valve boxes (plumbing, framing, and drywall), overhead racking (mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and fire protection), and equipment skids (mechanical and electrical) on a number of projects and actively looks for the opportunity to do more during the design phase of a project.
We are committed to providing innovative industry solutions that improve the efficiency of construction through manufactured strategies. We believe there is much to be gained through better alignment of construction techniques and the installation of more complete elements. Modular Construction is a key to piece to increasing onsite productivity and reducing safety risks, which in turn creates a more cost-effective solution for our clients.