Tweet/Garot Mechanical of Green Bay, Wisconsin, has attained a historic safety milestone, working 8 Million Safe Hours without a lost-time incident. This achievement occurred in January 2014 and spans over an 11 ½ year period beginning in June of 2002. Based on statistics from the Bureau of Labor, the average mechanical contractor working 8 million hours would have 89 injuries leading to lost work time while Tweet/Garot has had ZERO injuries leading to lost work time.
Tweet/Garot CEO, Tim Howald, and Safety Director, Gabe Gutenberger, attribute Tweet/Garot’s safety success to the efforts involved in their constantly improving safety program, and the “relentless safety dedication” of their employees.
Tweet/Garot introduced its Zero Injury program in January, 2004, which raised the expectations of all employees to promote safety awareness proactively. Since that time, Tweet/Garot Mechanical continues to be one of the innovative, pro-active contractors who make workplace safety an ever-evolving and improving process.
Tweet/Garot has received commendations by the AGC (Associated General Contractors) of Wisconsin for 17 straight years, the Wisconsin Corporate Safety Grand Award for ten of the past thirteen years, as well as continued recognition by MCAA (Mechanical Contractors Association of America), and SMACNA (Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association). These awards were based on, among other criteria, an OSHA incident rate significantly lower than their industry average.
Tweet/Garot Mechanical is one of Northeast Wisconsin’s largest mechanical contractors, employing approximately 400 people, with offices in Green Bay and Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin. Tweet/Garot provides commercial and industrial solutions in the areas of heating and air conditioning, plumbing, process piping, sheet metal fabrication, industrial ventilation, boiler services, food processing equipment, service and engineering.