Modular Opioid Treatment Clinic
Modular Opioid Treatment Clinic

Modular Opioid Treatment Clinic

Project Information

Modular Opioid Treatment Clinic

Tweet/Garot was recently contracted to handle the HVAC and plumbing scopes of a modular opioid clinic. The clinic will consist of 12 6,400 square foot mods conjoined together. Tweet/Garot installed small bath fans, electric air handling units with heat pump condensers, an electric water heater, electric unit heaters and a baseboard. Each mod was completely pre-fabbed before being shipped out to the jobsite, where it would then be assembled into the clinic.

While Tweet/Garot has done work with modular construction before, this is an area that hasn’t been explored much by the company to date. Modular construction leads to quicker turnaround, and a standard design made for repeatability. In terms of modular mechanical systems, everything is set in the pre-fab stage, and when the mods are set in the field the systems are then joined together.

The style of construction has caused some challenges along the way with schedule coordination. On the other hand, the project has served as a learning opportunity, forcing the field workers to use different viewpoints to make sure the building is as efficient as possible.

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